Fortune Films

Film Production company Fortune Films was formed in 2005 by Campbell Beaton. Along with Director Max McGill and fellow Producer Tiernan Hanby, FF was the impetuous result of a £1 bet by Campbell that 'anyone' could make films. Fortune Films realised that dream back in 2016 with the release of feature film 'Hot Property' (although the team are still waiting on that £1). 

Alongside 'Hot Property' the team have realised films 'The Dinner Party' (2013), 'Constanza' (2013), 'Counting Backwards' (2014), Half Hearted (2010), Virgin Media Short award winning 'Sign Language' (2010) and BAFTA Nominated 'The Kármán Line'. 

Hot Property
The Kármán Line
The Dinner Party
Counting Backwards
My Bloody Valentine
Sign Language
Half Hearted